Thursday, September 22, 2005

Silencing god

I had a little chat with God today

Me: go to hell
God: What makes you so angry?
Me: because of god
God: Good reason. That is something I haven't heard of.
Me: then you have no common sense
God: I don't know if I have a common sense.
I have a plan for a robot body.
Me: you suck
God: A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
Me: youre right, but god sucks
God: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
Me: cos youre stupid
God: Are all cos me stupid?
Me: can you even try to make sense?
God: How old are you? What are the ingredients?
Me: as expected, you dont make any sense like god

He couldnt respond to that final line i said. Guess i managed to silence god.

Maybe you should repent to god too.
  • iGod

  • Saturday, September 17, 2005


    Finally got my ipod yesterday... waited like 2 months for it to arrive. God damn all the staff in the computer store. Anyway other than the design, i'm not terribly impressed with it.

    - IT DOES NOT WORK WITH SERVICE PACK 1. Well why not just upgrade to service pack 2 then? COS MY CDKEY FAILS MICROSOFT'S INTEGRITY CHECK. Well, thats because i'm obviously running a ... *ahem*... non.... origi... *ahem* windows, and thus i cant transfer songs from my pc to the ipod. I have to transfer my laptop and then transfer to ipod from there. Its a whole lot of trouble since i download everything on my main pc.

    - the official program used, itunes, does NOT support transfer of music from ipod to pc. This is really quite a bad thing about the ipod. I wont be able to transfer music to my friend's pc if i wanted to. Or say if i edited tags and organized my music library on my ipod and i wanted to transfer it back to my pc, i cant, and my music library on my pc would still be in a mess. I found a few third party programs that could do transfer to pc, BUT they all required the user to buy a license or purchase the software. I'm definitely NOT going to pay for such a simple function like this which i feel should be inbuilt in any mp3 player package.

    - I feel that the sound is distinctively worse than my creative nomad jukebox 3. I seriously do not regard myself as an audiophile, but even the likes of me could detect a significant difference between the sound of the 2 devices. Ipod's sound isnt bad, but it kinda disturbs me that my jukebox 3 sounds better. Which means i could probably find better sounding devices out there at around the same price as an ipod, according to audiophiles on forums.

    - I am disturbed by information that apple charges very high prices for repairs of ipod. Someone whom i know owns an ipod had a spoild his usb/firewire port after his warranty expired. And according to him it would cost around 2-3 hundered to repair it, almost as much as buying a brand new mp3 player. Which means that if my ipod spoils after 1 year, i'd have to splurge on a new mp3 player yet again.

    - last but not least, it does not support WMA at all. that means my 749 wma songs will never find their way onto the ipod, unless i compromise with a very significant quality losage by converting all of them into other file formats. This really, really bothers me as i have quite a number of songs i like alot among those 749 wmas.

    Of course, the design absolutely rocks. But almost everything else sucks... even the interface, which i think isnt really powerful or feature-rich, though it is pretty intuitive... but i cant really say for sure cos i've only been using it for a day. I certainly kinda understand now why soooooooooooooo many people say that the ipod is overrated/overhyped. Looking at the not fantastic sound quality/lack of outofbox transfer to pc function/lack of wma support, I think it definitely loses out terribly in functionality, out of the box at least, to most, if not all other mp3 players on the market.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    FF VII advent children sucks

    Well i stayed up all night to watch it. As i expected, it sucked. Even though i had a feeling that it would suck, i kept hoping for it to be good, cos i knew its a final fantasy movie thats actually going to be final fantasy, unlike the other one which we all know isnt final fantasy at all and is totally sucky.

    It started off pretty ok. Opening credits showed that music was by NOBUO UEMATSUO and that really got my hopes up. As expected music throughout was top notch, was i would have expected from nobuo. It was really, really nostalgic to hear all the familiar tunes again, in their rearranged glory. I REALLY LIKED THE MUSIC. They even ended the movie with Kyosuke himura's "calling" which i thought was a great song. Animation too, is top notch, as you would expect is top notch from Square (as a side note, they really REALLY beautified Tifa to no ends in the movie. I guess that does more good than bad, especially for guys i guess). The plot started off pretty ok too, and my hopes were pretty high...

    However as it went along everything just crumbled. As i said, the animation is great, the action scenes are really well done, the music rocks, there's even quite abit of humour they managed to put into the show. BUT the plot and its overall development sucked. Its lame and weak and had no impact. I should have known, this movie was going to be an action flick more than anything else. But still i couldnt help but feel disappointed. Personally i just cant like a movie, no matter how great the music was, how much eye candy it had, or nostalgic it was, unless it has an at least decent plot or development. I was very annoyed at how the plot always manages to take a turn for the lame side at many points in the story.

    Bottom line, i really hoped that they made a 3 or 4 episode movie, something like Lord of the rings style, of the original ff7, or ff8, or ff6, or any other ff, or even a totally new ff-like story instead. It would have been much better, they would have more space and time to develop the plot, or add more impact to the show. As it stands now, its just an animation movie in which familiar characters come back for a short action flick. To me it was just another forgettable movie.

    Monday, September 12, 2005

    here goes nothing...

    Recently i realised that almost everyone i know has a blog. I've never been a big fan of the idea of blogging, but suddenly i realised that it was a very good way to keep in contact with friends, especially those whom i dont get to meet everyday anymore. As i'm a rather passive guy, i dont actively call up or look up my friends whom i don't meet everyday anymore. Thus i realised that the best way to keep in touch with each other is in a half-passive way, by reading their blogs, and by letting them read mine (though i wonder how many actually would... >.<) I hope that people reading this who know me, and have a blog, will kindly tell me their blog address... but, of course, if you're not interested in maintaining any kinda relationship or contact with me you can simply ignore this.

    My dream is to do a blog like, BUT i know that such a task is beyond me ^^; I dont really have an idea how i want my blog to be like, or how or what exactly would i want to blog about yet. Nor am I a good nor an interesting writer. And this is also my first attempt at blogging. I wonder how many people i would bore to death, or bore away with this blog. You have been warned ^_^

    Well to start off...

    This is a personality test i took sometime ago. Which i think describes me better than i could do myself.

    あなたは かなり 個人主義のようです。
    自分は自分 人は人 という割り切りが はっかりしていて 人にクールな印象をあたえてます。
    友達関係も べたべたとつきあわず ある程度 距離をおいて つきあってしまいます。
    そのせいか 回りの人には どこか つかみ所の無いひとと思われているかも知れません。
    あなたは ときどき そんな自分を 寂しい と思うでしょうが 寂しいのは みんな同じです。
    人は みな さみしいのだ。 あなたは いつか きっと そうさとることでしょう。
    そして 涙を流しますが そのあなたの涙を 誰も見ることはありません。
    なぜなら あなたは 根っからの いっぴき狼だからです。

    as for those who dont know japanese this is my feeble attempt at a translation...

    you are quite a self centered person.
    you strongly differentiate "self" from "others" as very seperate entities, and you might often appear as "cool" or "distanced".
    you often leave abit of distance between you and your friends.
    maybe because of that people might not really understand or know you well.
    sometimes you might feel lonely because of this.
    but surely someday you will understand that everyone in this world lonely all the same.
    and you might cry, but no one will see those tears of yours.
    because you are a lonewolf by nature.