Sunday, February 05, 2006

random thought

All you get out of life, is death


Blogger ckoo said...

The point of life is to get the most out of it during life. What you're saying is similar to "All you get out of a game, is that the game ends."

Imagine life as World of Warcraft, but you only have 2 months' subscription. Do you want to spend your time running around doing fun things, or do you want to quickly grind your way to 60 ASAP then start running around? Right now all you're doing is sitting around all day in Orgrimmar...

Granted that at the end of two months, you don't get to keep your progress, but at least you had two months of fun.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, what u get during it amounts to nothing when you die... since u die anyway.

All you get out of a game, is that the game ends. True, but the whole point of playing a game is to enjoy it the best way possible. It doesnt matter whether its grinding your way to lv60 asap or running around doing fun things before that. Simply pick the route which you'll enjoy the most.

Living life is the same i guess... IMHO that is. Since everything that you manage to achieve or accomplish amounts to nothing when you die, the best way to live life is to enjoy it the best way you can... before your life ends

But sometimes i cant help but ponder if that is really all there is to life? Shldnt there be a greater meaning to our life? Whats the point of doing everything we are doing now anyway. Studying, playing, working, whatever... everything goes away when one dies anyway. And whats more we are our own obstacles in the way of enjoying life.

2:07 AM  
Blogger ckoo said...

That depends. Some people do leave behind legacies in the form of achievements. You might not be around to witness your legacy in action, but at least you die knowing that people will remember you for a long, long time.

Anyway, what happens when your life ends doesn't matter, because you'll be DEAD. You won't be around to mope about and feel sad that everything's gone, because your consciousness ceases to exist the moment you die.

But if it really bugs you,not everything you've done disappears. On the material side, your wealth remains and will probably be used to furthur enhance the living standards of your genetic offspring of whom you probably care a lot for. What you have taught people, or what people have learnt through interaction with you, also remains in their minds, and will carry on affecting the way they think/feel/act.

I'm an agnostic, so afterlife and all that don't exactly fit in to my perception, so I'm just gonna say that yes, that is all that there is to life. Life is temporal. It's short. It's insignificant with respect to the sheer vastness of the universe.

What you do probably won't have a great impact on the functioning of the whole world as it is. What you can do, however, is affect those around you. And that's all that really matters. The rest of the world can suck it, as long as you and the people you care for are happy.

The single most important thing to me is that at the end of the day, just before you die, you can say to yourself that you have lived a good life and die satisfied.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not bugged by the fact that everything disappears. In fact i'm kinda comforted by it. I can die this moment and not feel sad cos whether i die now or 40 years later, the result is the same; i die anyway. Or maybe i'd feel sad because I'm not satisfied with my life yet cos i feel that i havent enjoyed enough yet. Even though i feel life is tedious and full of suffering there are things which i want to experience and enjoy still. Well i guess thats the reason why i havent commited suicide and leave this world of suffering behind once and for all yet. But well i wonder if i'll ever get enough enjoyment to think "yes i've enjoyed life enough and i want to die now" since human desire knows no boundaries. But again the abovementioned thought that "it doesn't matter even if you die now cos its the same result even if you die later" comes back at this point. So its a dilemna, a neverending loop which goes on and on in cycles in my mind.

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, i almost always say this but... emo.....

If you think that nothing you do matters, then just keep up what you're doing. But some others would rather challenge themselves and life even if it means nothing in the end.

7:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Its not emo. its a logical analysis of the point of living life itself. If the end is going to be the same anyway i would definitely be less willing to take on challenges i dont like, challenges that would make me feel unhappy and add stress to my life, if only just for practical reasons like to improve my material life for example. If you say u like to live life challenging yourself even if the end is the same so be it. I just dont think that way. And thats a dilemna in itself.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emo people usually think they're thinking logically. But they're using emo-logic.

And keep in mind, everything WILL add stress to your life.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

anonymous aka sining: No not everything in life adds to stress...

as for "emo" i guess we've chatted enough about that

whoa didnt know u visited my blog! haha domo domo~

hmm, all you get out of death is life. interesting view.

I guess thats the exact opposite of the original statement... one is positive the other is negative ^_^

9:33 AM  
Blogger ckoo said...

You know, life is tiring. It's fun, but it's damn tiring. One fine day, you will run out of things to do. Money will eventually lose its meaning. Love requires active maintenance. Sex won't be as fun. Society will be worse off than what you remembered from 40 years ago. Your body will no longer be able to do everything that you want to.
It's kind of like playing your favourite game - eventually, you get too tired to carry on. That's what death is. So the point is to make sure that by the time you get too tired to carry on, you can look back at the gaming session and say "Hey, that was fucking fun but I've had enough."

5:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Other than that its not my favourite game

6:00 PM  

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