Sunday, January 08, 2006

Well, in reply to mb's comment about not updating my blog recently...

I dont really intend to blog about what i did today, where did i go, what did i eat for dinner etc. Cos i think that would make a very boring read for most people.

Thus I only intend to blog about thoughts about stuff, or happenings that might be interesting to read. This holiday has been a very busy one and i havent had much time to think or write about thoughts that popped up. And there hasnt been any interesting happenings in my life that would interest a reader. Or maybe, not enough time for me to sit down and reflect back on them and then blog about them.

I'm not a poet so i cant produce literature masterpieces to entertain people. I am also someone who doesnt watch news/read newspapers/pays no attention to current affairs, thus i cannot do political joke/insult posts like some people do. Plus i do not have a wacky sense of humor like some people around me, so i am not capable of writing hilarious posts.

I have thought about using pictures in posts to spice things up... that would make things alot more interesting or even funny, but since some ppl have expressed distaste at privacy issues for putting up ppl's photos XD i have decided against it.

Other than that there are sometimes issues that i cannot reveal on this blog due to my own privacy issues, or issues having themes that might be offending to some visitors.

Thus explains why i didnt blog much recently.


Blogger Roger A. Tetrahart said...

:'( Feel so guilty making you blog for nothing.

At least you got to write something! :p

6:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

why guilty? i shld thank you for giving me something to write XD

6:40 AM  
Blogger ckoo said...

well... picture-wise there are always many alternatives. look at my blog. it has tons of pictures that are relevant to the posting, and yet contain absolutely no footage of anyone i know.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you can draw i cant...

plus i dont think about as much stuff as u do, from pictures or not. Or maybe its just lack of time to gather those thoughts and write them down or think about them, or lack of such a habit or impulse to do so.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Roger A. Tetrahart said...

When something happens on that day I find worth blogging, I'd force myself to remember it. Then at night can slowly ponder over it.

9:17 PM  
Blogger 安淋 - Kessa said...

YO! ;)

6:24 AM  
Blogger ckoo said...

i keep a small backlog of stuff i want to blog about sometimes when i have too many things to think about, then i slowly get around to them on days with nothing to blog about.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

'Ol Drafty Hed.... you are?

8:20 AM  
Blogger 安淋 - Kessa said...

Anlin. rmb me? Met you on e bus

4:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hiya there, yep i rmb u, rae's fr

yoroshiku! (pleased to meet you)

6:01 AM  

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